• 20/06/2023

Saving the life of a child from a diabetic coma

إنقاذ حياة طفل من غيبوبة سكرية

Saving the life of a child from a diabetic coma



After 7 months of diagnosing Ahmed with type one diabetes, he began to suffer from frequent vomiting and high body temperature, so his family went to a medical center, where it was found that there was a severe rise in blood glucose and blood acidity in the blood, so he was transferred to a hospital and during the time spent in the emergency room, the doctors gave him fluids without improvement, and it was necessary to transfer him to the Saudi German Hospital in Makkah to be admitted in the pediatric intensive care unit.


The child came to the emergency room of the Saudi German Hospital, Makkah branch, suffering from a diabetic coma and dangerously high blood acidity, which led to an altered level of consciousness.

The child was admitted to the pediatric intensive care unit with the administration of insulin and appropriate fluids and follow-up on the case throughout the hospital stay, which exceeded nine days.


The child's condition began to improve gradually with the appropriate treatment, and the high blood acidity and diabetic coma were treated. And after adjusting the doses of insulin and giving the necessary information to the parents on how to deal with diabetes and the appropriate nutrition, he was discharged from the hospital in good health.